Tuesday, 8 May 2018


21 June 2022 UPDATE; the Writer is getting near closure on the 1996 farce trial whereby the dishonest trial Judge ran out the courtroom without adjourning or removing the false document from the trial bundle. The smoking gun is the dismissal of bankruptcy petition order removing the land charge. The matter will soon be resolved. Petition to rescind the Sunday Trading Act 1994 on the grounds that it conflicts with the Fourth Commandment (day of rest) and contributes to harmful Climate change. The petition should be successful because both the Ten Commandments and Jesus Christ’s perpetual datum (01/01/01) are of the Holly Bible and God’s creations.

21 March 2022: On this 2022 Spring Equinox the Writer is posting an update as follows; In April 2021 an application to end the 1996 farce trial to the Court of Appeal. It is illegally blocked by Clerks working in the Court of Appeal's Office. Those in charge ignored all complaints, last letters to the Queen and Pope went unanswered. Evidence that they are just puppets today. Both were informed that the Sunday Trading Act caused climate change and conflict with the Fourth Commandment.

22 September 2021: On this 2021 Autumn Equinox the Writer is posting regarding time. As previously posted Christmas day is a datum for time, (past, present and future) he believe in fate as God. Twenty five years ago evil doers wanted the Writer's land so they set up 13 weeks farce trial. midway through the trial hell broke loose and instead of the dishonest Judge declaring a mistrial, he ran out of the courtroom without adjourning or removing the false evidence from the trial bundle. If God was not on the Writer's side criminals would had bankrupt him and steal his land. Everything is made of atoms and to understand fate one must know how a Turtle find it way back to place it hatched, 

6 August 2021: Today is the 76 anniversaries of exploding the atomic bomb over Japan. Time has forgotten this, proven by the Tokyo Olympics 2020 games not having a minute silence. The Writer has not done much regarding time travelling because of the pandemic and conclusion of an unfinished trial 25 years ago. The dishonest trial Judge ran out of the courtroom without adjourning or removing the false document from the trial bundle. The matter is in Parliament and should be over after the break. The Writer cannot wait to go in search of an accurate formula to measure the circumference of a circle. This is made more difficult by the fact that a year has 365 & 1/4 days instead of 360.

22 September 2020:
On this 2020 Autumn Equinox the Writer is posting an important fact he feels that needs addressing. He can only reiterate that the Holy Bible is the product of the discovery of the secret of life. There's undisputed evidence, such as the Ten Commandments and Jesus Christ birthday datum.

 As an Inventor it's easy to see that the Ten Commandments protect generations of lifetimes and there would not be any Climate change if the fourth Commandment had been obeyed. Therefore, the Sunday Trading Act must be rescinded.

It cannot be denied that time started in the Bible - 25 December 00 is the birth of Jesus and 7 days later registered as 01 Day 01 Month and 01 Year. This living datum will go on for ever or until total destruction.
m Physics

20 March 2020

Update on the Spring Equinox and within the Coronavirus which would be fatal to the Writer because he is 67 and suffers with asthma. Therefore wishes to disclose the reason evil doers wants him out of the way. They wanted title land belonging to the Writer. First attempt was made by Nat West with a false claim that they had a charge over the Writer's Maylandsea home. They got possession, but did not sell for about two years later in order to wipe out £50,000 equity. Then in the name of HM Custom & Excise 13 weeks farce trial. This trial is not over due to the fact that the trial judge run out of the courtroom without adjourning or removing the false document from the trial bundle. While unlawfully imprisoned a statutory VAT demand for over half million pounds was served followed by a bankruptcy petition. The bankruptcy petition was dismissed in the Royal Courts of Justice (RCJ) with costs by the Appeal court. Next came the false vexatious claim declaration by Harriet Harman MP. This false claim was before Sir James Dyson (not Lord Justice Dyson) and MR Justice Henriques. This judge made a bet in the Nat West £3,000,000 replacement house claim HQ0005322, lost and failed to honour the bet. The bet was made in writing therefore must be honoured. An illegal vexatious order was made on 27 July 2004 and set aside on 19 May 2005 via CPR Part 23.11(2) relist application, but not accepted by evil doers. In the event of the Writer's death, it's only that his title land go to his children. After all, there are ample evidence ownership, such as the surrender of a sliver of land, a 1986 order for payment of illegal taken contents of his factory and criminal actions of James Dyson, MR Justice Henriques and Harriet Harman - they not above the law.

30 April 2018 UPDATE; the Writer had a long pause, beyond his control and by evil criminals using the title Regina controlling the Courts and Police. He was unlawfully arrested on 8 July 2014 and imprisoned without charge, bail, trial or any evidence he has broken any law. Today he is still in unlawful detention on the lie that he is suffering from severe mental disorder. He believe in GOD and leave it to God to fix, he survived the murder attempt. 
In order to find the formula of life, the circumference of an atom must be accurately measured (dividing 22 by 7 is wrong). Because everything is made of atoms, organic and mineral and the transformation between living and dead atoms is made. The good news is that the formula has been discovered in the past and recorded in the Holy Bible. Yes! The Bible is scientific and with us today. Evidence; the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament, how was it known that without a day of rest the Ozone layer would be damage? In the New Testament there's a living datum made from Jesus Christ birthday. Born on the 25 December zero year and registered seven days later as 01 day 01 month and 01 year. This common Holy Roman's practice of baptism seven days after birth were effective at the Writer's birth. 
The Writer is a student of Risinghill, the world first and last freethinking school and if the politicians had left Risinghill alone - there would not be a world full of brainwashed people. Why haven't anyone gone beyond E=MC square or dismissed it?   

6 August 2013: Today is exactly 68 years following the first atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima City killing about 140,000 outright? Without knowing the complete workings of an atomic bomb and not wanting to know, relies on old school teaching. The energy of the said atomic explosion was the result of heavy hydrogen atoms getting angry in a non-stop chain reaction powered by enriched uranium. No great achievement or important discovery, proven by the fact that an updated version today can and will destroy organic life form - leaving buildings intact. Undisputed evidence of idiotic scientists claiming buildings are more important than humans & other living things. More absurd, rewards such as getting a Nobel peace prize makes them prized idiots in reality. The Nazi regime under Aldolf Hitler mass killed - where's their PEACE prize?  Albert Einstein (AE) is not in that category because he declared the formula E=MCsq as guess work and under “love them & leave them” motto. Meaning people should think for themselves and no excuses for not knowing the formula is baloney. All formulas published using AE’s or alternatives in quantum physics are absolute RUBBISH regardless who or where it comes from. Especially Wikipedia (suspected front for paedophiles) taking over the Internet and promoting false informations. The reason being; without the precise answer of 22 divided by 7 (pi) there’s no working formula. There is a way of dividing 22 by 7 and for this reason the writer offered £3m prize money for anyone able to do it.

Announcement: After the three induction lessons in this format and English, the writer will create brand new alphabet system for his unwritten language. Thereafter, kind of letting invisible particles doing there things in quantum physics. After all, this is an

intellectual and free educational site under the motto love conquers all.  Weeding out those not faithful to the cause is a must. The writer nearly started to create new alphabets from Russian ones and was more than willing to sleep with the enemy (Russian bit of crumpet), but for an unknown reason missed out. Just hope witty invisible particles have not introduced a quota on sex in a lifetime and having pass this ration, becoming a Monk is the only option.
In good faith on 26 April 2012 the Writer posted his comments on the Times Higher Education site.  About mid January 2013 his posting giving the answer to a quiz was blocked and thereafter unable to use the Times higher Education site. Being a true Risinghillian it is a matter of; "love them & leave them" 
I believed the Romans discovered the formula, otherwise the Bible and Ten Commandments would not around today. How did Intellects knew about the hole in the ozone layer - 2000 years before it happened? 9 May 2013: The fourth Commandment specifically order ONE day of rest from seven. This 6-1ratio could be the scientific result of time required for God’s particles to developed immunity against direct sunlight once the ozone layer eventually go?
After all, the main objective of intelligent matter is survival and it does this by evolving stronger from one generation to another. Proven by the fact that Homo sapiens have 4 (positive & negative) uneven different blood groups today. If this were not the case, the Black Death would have wiped-out the inhabitants of Europe and Christopher Columbus would not had discovered the New World. The understandings of blood types are very important in completing the formula because: (1) We most likely came from a single cell that divided evenly and will ultimately revert back to a single cell after reaching the objective. 
(2) The result of which parent’s blood type a child inherent is a must; made easy by the fact that both DNA and parents are constants.
(3) The energy & forces required to create emotions are blood related, vital and self-righteous. A fine example is the way the Church & others dismissed Charles Darwin’s evolution discovery outright, but gave the highest honour of burial at Westminster Abbey. In truth both were right; God’s particles are the intelligent components of evolution. In truth Albert Einstein’s (AE) guesswork formula is nowhere as practical as the Bible’s because AE don’t cover fate. How can someone claim for invisible energy produced by invisible particles in a timescale without spiritual force? Tiger Woods know all about fate and in pursuant of a formula to master fate before winning his next major golf competition.
14 October 2010
Dave Todd 16 October 2010: Well, if a dog can understand what's going on then we really do live in a strange Universe.
  • Richard Todd 17 October 2010 At least I have a better success with a dog than with the characters sitting in front of me, interested in texting and not in the lectures. Well, they have their excuse. They do have have A levels and the university bundled them in during clearing!
  • SC 24 October 2010: I thoroughly believe that the dogs I know of will still not be aware of Quantum Physics. Unless of course their disappearing tail can be argued in terms of gluons and quarks. And even then, I'm doubting it.
    Nice try though.
  • Dick Chitolie 26 April 2012: If a dog can learn quantum physics, then why can't politicians get the simplest thing right?
  • Don Quixote 26 April 2012: Perhaps the dog is motivated by Schrodinger's Cat?
  • Dick Chitolie 3 May 2012: I like it Mr Quixote, must point out that Schrodinger’s cat experiment is as useful as a splitting headache by the fact that: No TWO living thing (Homo sapiens, animal, reptile, bird, plant and politicians’) are identical
  • Don Quixote 3 May 2012: I once knew someone who was an identical only child
  • Dick Chitolie 8 May 2012: In order we do not end up on different tangents, the topic is Quantum Physics made simple informal and fun way as I was taught at Risinghill. Unless you Don Quixote or someone can prove there are identical living things (onus is on the challenger) such as producing two identical GRASS plants for examination - then it is accepted and we can carry on. 
  • Filippo Cusumano 10 June 2012: So what happened to Don Quixote then?
  • If only children 10 June 2012: have only one attribute which takes discrete values, for example extreme self-centredness, then they can be identical. The non-identity of people - in general - is because of their complexity.
  • Don quixote 11 June 2012: Filippo Cusumano 10 June, 2012
    "So what happened to Don Quixote then?"
    When the box was opened, he'd collapsed into a state...
  • Filippo Cusumano 23 June 2012: WOW! Those are deep words Don Quixote. But what do they actually mean... "When the box was opened, he'd collapsed into a state..."? What is this "Box"?
  • Dick Chitolie 27 June 2012:

    Filippo Cusumano,
    Don Quixote is referring to atmospheric PRESSURE a black-hole is WITHOUT – causing anything which is not solid to collapse in a “state” of matter.
  • She is fishing mate!          
    If you seek the formula of quantum physics, just reply and become a student of Risinghill via me.
  • Filippo Cusumano 28 June 2012: Oh! I thought it was some kind of philosophical ideology. Nice one mate. Enrol me at Risinghill please :-).
  • Dick Chitolie 4 July 2012: Filippo Cusumano,
    You are now registered and the terms are:
    1. Under the motto Omnia Vincit Amor (love conquers all) first recorded by Virgil 70 BC - 19 BC which Jesus Christ was promoting and adopted by Risinghill. A standard for removing all forms of malice.
    2. No punishment, no expulsion and without formality. Main FREETHINKING ingredients whereby you and only you decide what is right or wrong without FEAR or under pressure.
    3. Acceptance that all Homo sapiens brain's capacity to be equal apart from inputs.
    4. The objective being a search for the formula of quantum physics and nothing else.
    Once you agree via confirmation we can get going 
  • Filippo Cusumano. 16 July 2012:
  • Dear Mr Chitole.
    First and foremost I apologise for the late reply to your message. Second of all I say "yes" to the following statments: 
  • 1. Under the motto Omnia Vincit Amor (love conquers all) first recorded by Virgil 70 BC - 19 BC which Jesus Christ was promoting and adopted by Risinghill. A standard for removing all forms of malice.
  • 2. No punishment, no expulsion and without formality. Main FREETHINKING ingredients whereby you and only you decide what is right or wrong without FEAR or under pressure.
  • 3. Acceptance that all Homo sapiens brain's capacity to be equal apart from inputs.
  • 4. The objective being a search for the formula of quantum physics and nothing else.

    Signed... Filippo Cusumano.
  • Dick Chitolie 16 July 2012: QUANTUM PHYSICS FORMULA - lesson 001
    Starting point: Everything has a datum, Jesus Christ birthday (JCB) 25th December 0000 is our datum and number one datum on planet Earth. Disregard BCE (before common error) sacrilegious morons are using via wikipedia to oust BC. Instead uphold the class motto “love them & leave them” without mercy or grovelling by extracting DESTINY (Dd) from their objective and add it into the equation in pursuant. Dd is a major piece in the formula being both an ending and a beginning formed by the right amount (hence the word quantum = “how much?”) we will go into this fully later. The Romans knew the combination, but did not have today’s technology. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis Party fail to cash in on the Roman’s discovery simply because they were foolish people chasing the chemical properties of intelligent matter / natural occurrences without having the intelligent of doing it openly or keeping truthful records.

    Exercise: Find planet Earth’s No.2 datum line and give reason(s) why do you think JCB will always be No.1 datum. 
  • Dick Chitolie 24 July 2012: Importance of datum: Working line, permanently fixed whereby all measurements or in our case pieces of formula are taken from. The rules you must adhere too are; always work from the datum line and if in doubt or get lost, go back. These rules will protect against “PROGRESSIVE ERROR” and make it easy to detect the wrong cell or error (if any) swiftly. The leaning Tower of Pisa is square to its base line; the lean is caused after the ground gave way. Maybe fate /quantum physics in motion (separate lesson) is waiting for you to claim it, dismantle and reconstruct this Tower in Palermo? After all, you have inherent power having a Sicilian name and without Pisano’s / Pisans stealing the working funds from the City of Palermo there would be no leaning Tower of Pisa.

    It is amazing! From a simple act of tying a stone on a piece of string and dangling it freely created an accurate straight line. Thereafter, this perfect datum used for building the first pyramid to all buildings on planet Earth until the introduction of laser beam. It falls short of being number one because it has no future; meaning useless in space or on the Moon. There’s no time limit on lesson, but things changes making lessons are less simple id est; our GMT datum Meridian line (meridies= midday) is under a new name and no longer a straight line from pole to pole, Eastern half. This change must have caused confusion to many – waking up to find out that today is actually yesterday and tomorrow or alternatively missing out one yesterday and one tomorrow. What would you do? I’m sticking to GMT since there’s no law against using an imagery datum that was invented during the British Empire and it is my half straight as first recorded. 
  • Filippo Cusumano 1 August 2012:
  • Hi Dick.
  • To tell you the truth it would be better for the governments of this world to leave the datum Meridian Line the way it was from the beginning. I have said in the past, as I say now, "don't try and fix what has never been broken". End of story.

    I would like to take the Tower of Pisa apart and re-assemble it in Palermo (my mother's home city). The only things are that 1) I don't have the money to do such a massive task and 2) I don't have the authority to carry out that work. If I had these two possibilities it would be renamed 'The Leaning Tower of Palermo". However I like your idea.

    Nice one about using the datum line for the construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

    Keep in touch.

  • Dick Chitolie 2 August 2012: Filippo,
    You cannot call a straight tower “leaning” and likewise theory as scientific fact in my class. The Leaning Tower of Pisa (LTP) is in our subject as fate / quantum physics in motion and maybe you will sort it out, but not in my class due to the fact we agreed “nothing else”. Money is out of the equation and you do have INHERENTED authority to move LTP. Look at it the following ways: (1) If LTP is allowed to fall the chance of addressing an ill-fated act over 500 years ago is lost forever. (2) If it can be proved that the lean is caused by an act of fate – everyone will move out of the way.

    Happy about you having Sicilian blood in you, my blood type is AB positive what is yours? 
  • Filippo Cusumano. 6 August, 2012:
  • Hi Dick.
    Thank you very much for your reply. It's good to hear from you. It is very interesting what you wrote about in regards to the Leaning Tower of Pisa (LTP). So if I take the Tower back to Sicily it won't be called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It would be called the Tower of Palermo. It's good to know that I have a right to bring back the Tower to my parents' home land. Omnia Vincit Amor my friend!

    There are a few questions which I would like to ask you:

    1) I thought the Leaning Tower of Pisa was constructed 840 years ago. So why do some say that it was constructed 500 years ago?

    2) When I finish doing your course do I get a certificate?

    3) How do I qualify?

    4) What's in it for me if I continue with your course on quantum physics?

    5) If there are any equipment to use, what are they?

    6) I recently read about the Higgs Boson particle (a.k.a. The 'God-Particle'). What I am studying about is it related to this Higgs Boson?

    This Friday I will be seeing the doctor. I will ask him what my blood-type is, and if he doesn't know I will ask how I can go about in obtaining it.

    I look forward to your reply.

  • Dick Chitolie 9 August 2012: Filippo,
    Would you Adam & Eve (believe) it! We are in pursuant of formula of quantum physics and you posted questions on 6th August 2012; precisely sixty-seven years after the first atomic explosion occurred on Hiroshima. Would you agree with me that by coincidental or fate a MATHEMATICAL formula exists? Maybe these particles are all females, taken to us and will only give their clandestine to us? The all males are antimatter as well as anti-miracles evidential by the lean of LTP in the “Field of Miracles”. Also the second atomic bomb was detonated 9th August 1945 on Nagasaki and until today 9th August I was unable to reply.
    Questions are a good sign, the answers are as follows:
    (1) You are correct, 840 years after construction, not 500 as I stated. Poor calculation on my part, especially knowing 1063 was the year Scilly got looted with the Pope’s approval and three years later the battle of Hastings took place. I cannot forget the event of 1066 because we celebrated it in 1966 and the GPO (General Post Office) issued a set of stamps depicting the battle of Hastings taken from the Bayeux tapestry. I believe it is the only time an all one value (four penny) full sets of stamp have been issued. In 1966 the pound (£) was worth 240 penny making four pennies from 240 for delivering a letter first class anywhere in Britain was good value. Simply because public utilities were state owned & controlled – a clear and complete reversal of today. Undisputed evidence that the Pope had overall control of Europe then are: (a) William the conqueror evaded England under his motto Dieu et Mon Droit (French= God and my Right) on his coat of arms to please the Pope. Today Criminals sits under or stand in front of this coat of arms performing their wrongdoings unchallenged. (b) In 1215 King John issued his Magna Carta so loyal Subjects can receive a fair trial and keep their lawful possessions. The Pope ANNULLED it on his own initiative. Few years later a new one was issued by the king’s successor, which was not effective. In 1297 King Edward I reissued the original without any interference, today some sections are as valid as when first issued in the UK and also incorporated in the USA constitution as the Fifth Amendment. In conclusion; in time good deeds overcome wrongdoing regardless how powerful the wrongdoers are.

    (2) Reach your objective and you will be a KING – won’t need a certificate.

    (3) You qualify by bettering your tutor with hard work and evolution of new technology. As an inventor the principle I use to reach my objective is PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. This method is long and slow, but effective – in time you will better this, therefore qualify and when you teach your way to your student(s) they will better you and so on.

    (4) If you don’t know how do you expect me to know?

    (5) No special equipment, only the Internet; I’ll teach you the benefits of a red herring and how to extract only the positive parts from porky pies (lies) under are class motto.

    (6) I cannot speak for others; therefore you should contact other researchers directly and put it down as a practical exercise. What I can tell you is that we will explore speed and light rays travelling in straight line the elementary way taught at school. The shape of the apparatus used in the so called “God particles” indicates that the engine of an atom is being worked on. Hopefully we would not have to go there, but if we do it will be fine. I’m delighted with Murray Mann & Associates to use the word QUARK from Irish comic fiction author James Joyce (1882 – 1941) gobbledegook's novel Finnegan’s Wake; “Three quarks for Muster Mark” and pay him tributes. Honesty is the right road of discovery without fear or bad luck. Try to see the funny side of it; after Finnegan’s wake only the spirit remains. Most of us are programme to run away from ghosts, except this team must catch a ghost for research. The team assures no harm will be afflicted, but these ghosts are intelligent enough to know that the best & sure way of avoiding torture is to stay clear.
  • Filippo Cusumano. 21 August 2012:
  • Hi Dick.
  • First and foremost my apologies for keeping you waiting for such a long time. I have been busy with other things, but I reply to your message posted 9 August 2012.

    There are a few things which I would like to clarify with you which maybe I did not communicate well in my last message to you. First of all I want to ask you this question: What's actually in it for you? I'm learning about quantum physics which is somethings I have not done before. I know what I'm gaining out of this. But what about you?

    The second thing which I want to let you know is that on Friday 10th August 2012 I went to see my doctor to enquire about how I can know what my blood type is. My doctor told me that the NHS don't carry out those tests. He advised me that if I was ever to give blood I could always find out from the blood donation centre what my blood type is. I've never done this before, but it would be a good idea.

    Thirdly I want to say that I believe that "a mathematical formula" does exist. The only thing is that I don't know what that formula is. Maybe you could help me out on this.

    I look forward to your reply.

  • Dick Chitolie 28 August 2012:
  • Avoid apologising for the following reasons: (i) There is no punishment in our class. (ii) You have done no wrong and if you do; fix it good & proper. (iii) None were weaklings at Risinghill, thus vetoing any intimidation. (iv) After the induction lessons (three) everything put on the blackboard must be precise and undisputed.

    What’s in it for me? Very good question, show you taking the matter seriously and my answers are as follows:

    (1) Duty bind: Earlier generations ensured that my education & best healthcare were absolutely free with a job waiting the moment I leave school.

    (2) I’m an explorer of fate and believe there’s not much difference between quantum physics and fate. Interested in finding out how the Romans discovered the formula, if they can manufacture artificial lighting, then so can we? And NO! You cannot create Frankenstein’s sister for your personal bodyguard & maid.

    (3) By teaching I am learning as well as upholding the saying; “knowledge will open any door”.

    (4) Settling an old score with dishonest people fleecing off the STATE: (i) Harriet Harman (MP) signing a false declaration that I’m a vexatious litigant in 2003 without any evidence. (ii) James Dyson (vacuum cleaner man) impersonating a Lord Justice in the Royal Courts of Justice (RCJ) on 27 July 2004 making an unlawful order. (iii) Joseph Michael Jacob (LSE Lecturer) who wrote a book about Human Rights insinuating that my vexatious behaviours is another form of mental illness. Although this illegal order was removed 19 May 2005 in October 2010 the RCJ refuse to issue my claim regarding bogus planning permission to demolish Risinghill and erect new buildings. Now these buildings are nearly finished I’ll be making a claim for the land. It is amazing, you not only be a student of Risinghill, but the principle in the interest of the Country. Meaning we be upholding working for a better future: A school meal at Risinghill was one shilling, to better this, we will be charging four pence and provide free milk morning and afternoon. These invisible particles on our side seem to be very bright and beautiful.

    The NHS doesn’t disclose blood type details simple because blood type can only eliminate who is NOT the father.

    You are on the right road; let us get the induction lessons over first.
  • Filippo Cusumano. 10 September 2012:
  • Hi Dick.
    Thank you for your reponse to my previous questions. So it looks like not only I am benefiting from these lessons which you are giving to me, but you are also benefiting from them because you see it as a form of justice regarding those who have done you wrong in the past.

    If the first datum line is Jesus Christ's birthday (JCB) then the second datum lines (is it plural or singular?) must be the one that goes between the North Pole and South Pole, and also the one which goes around the earth - the Equator.

    I believe that JCB will always be the number one datum line. The reason for this is because it shows a constancy between the past, present and future.

    I am very grateful for you showing me this and look forward to your next reply.

  • Dick Chitolie 21 September 2012:
  • Filippo,
    Things are better in dual or multipurpose providing there’s no dilution. IDENTIFYING the politics and background in general offers a greater impact and expedite matters. You cannot get involve because it is not your fight and possession of Risinghill is a foregone conclusion by these facts: (1) The LCC (London County Council) LOST possession and their battle to close Risinghill. (2) LCC was dead & buried by April 1965 whereas Risinghill carried on as normal in a status quo capacity. (3) I have vested interest in the land whereby fraudsters & politicians must relinquish this estate. Nevertheless, nothing stopping you from capitalising and there’s no law against FREETHINKING learning or passing knowledge on FREELY. Once I gain possession you can decide whether or not to demolish the new buildings erected without planning permission. Consideration should be given to the fact that only the gym and assemble hall (with Johnson & Defoe houses) were demolished, the original 1899 building, main, workshops and science buildings are left untouched. One of the strangest things regarding the bogus planning permission application is the non-usage of figure 9; otherwise fraudsters could have claim a mistake or blame our beautiful invisible particles turning the 6 into 9. Instead they stated; “the development involves the demolition of NINE buildings”… Questions; (1) how can Islington planning legally give THEMSELVES temporary planning permission to demolish 9 buildings when there are only 6 (six)? (2) Do you understand that if you were not brave enough to enrol, the fate of the new buildings would not be in your hands?

    Your answer (EQUATOR & MERIDIAN imaginary lines) as planet Earth’s second datum is correct. In truth, I anticipated LONGITUDE & LATITUDE or MAGNETIC NORTH simply because everyone uses direction whenever stepping outside the front door. Also correct with your reason why JCB will always be number one datum on planet earth. Can you image waking up one day WITHOUT knowing the TIME, day, month or year?

    Prior to summarising lesson 001 there are few things of interest:
    (1) The saying “back to the drawing board” means something is wrong and the fault is with the design or drawing. In my schooldays technical drawing was compulsory and vital to the economy. This was due to born-commoners such as Sir Frederick Henry Royce 1863 – 1933; Reginald Joseph Mitchell 1895 -1937 and Sir Barnes Neville Wallis 1887 – 1979 contributions when most needed. From the drawing board everything is detailed, take the Spitfire designer; RJ Mitchell would have given every dimension, angle, radius, nuts & bolts, rivets, material and all import components. I know it is hard to give credits to anyone apart from this particular designer, but the Spitfires and Hurricanes were fitter with Rolls-Royce merlin engines and gadgets of Vickers designed by Sir Barnes. Technical drawings are easily picked up and should not be fearful. Avoid auto-CAD or other computer-drawing program because these are: (i) inaccurate in certain details. (ii) Confiscate discovery’s fun from one’s own initiatives. (iii) Produces negative growth. (iv) Create mass unemployment worldwide.

    (2) Magnetic forces of North & South poles: Opposite poles attracts each other while same poles repels are worthwhile knowing. This energy is perpetual, absolutely free and keeps our planet on a steady pace (about 67,000 mph (miles per hour) and takes 365.250 days to complete a full circle) orbiting around the sun. Familiarise yourself with this, better still make a working model of planet earth and its moon orbiting the sun. Your datum is the centre of the sun; this will show you that earth rotates (anticlockwise) once a day at an angle (23 degrees?) and the how our seasons come and go. Maybe discover whether lights travel in a straight line or not?
    In the seventies there was an announcement made about using the magnetic forces as a new form of energy, but not much materialised. Maybe MR. Hugo Palacios’s Magnetic Repulsion Piston Engine does work and has a place in the future?

    Summary: Datum plural data (DO give) fixed point or premise from which inferences / measurement(s) are taken from. JCB is planet earth’s number one datum and will always be – constant of TIME relating to and with the past, the present and the future. Number two datum is a precise direction finder using Longitudes & Latitudes imagery lines. Our slowest travelling speed is over 1000 miles per SECOND and fastest light-ray particles over 186,000 miles per SECOND. Two new ingredients for our formula: JCB (time) and Dd = destiny. Risinghill’s quantum physics in motion fate particles destroyed the LCC in 1965 and still around today to put fraudsters in jail now trespassing and squatting is a criminal offence in England & Wales.

    Correction: Quantus means “How Much” not quantum as previously stated.


    Without knowing exactly what we are doing we’ll be here until the cows come home. Therefore, we should start with the definition of the word formula: “Set of symbols expressing a mathematical rule or principle”. Next, our objective or project (working formula of quantum physics) is to help an eponymous dog Emmy ambush squirrels by knowing in Advance the final outcome. This is quite easy because we know of an occurrence AFTER the event, meaning our task is half done. Also others have tried to find this formula, failed and left their guessing works as theory. However, we’ll be using E= MC sq. to kick off and explore all types of E (energy) including telepathy, photosynthesis, sonic, tidal etc.

    I’m undecided as to split the formula into two sections for these reasons:
    (1) A diamond gem stone starts as an organic object and end up as one of the hardest thing on earth.
    (2) If Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy were given 100 golf shots each at a par 3 hole on a golf course their hole-in-one statistic would be from 0- 2% the most and relying upon fate. A machine at the same tee-off spot can fire a golf ball and hole it every time.
  • Betty Jackson 23 September 2012: Hi Dick,
    Have you changed your email, because the one I tried to send you the other day didn't get through?
    Also, as I don't have a dog, will that affect my ability to understand quantum physics? My neighbour's cat comes round a lot though.
    Love and Equinox greetings from Sami
  • Dick Chitolie 24 September 2012: Betty,

    My email address is the same, As I only know you as Goldilocks maybe that’s the reason? In truth I did not know or planned on making my last posting on the last day of summer.
    You don’t need a dog or cat to understand quantum physics in this class, a Latin speaking PARROT is your ideal and safe bet - Betty.
  • Filippo Cusumano 24 September 2012: Hi Dick.

    Thank you for the lesson which you posted on Friday 21st September 2012, and for the handouts which you gave to me outside of the 'class-room'. We had a good discussion and I learnt some new things, such as:

    1) The importance of knowing the background and politics of something, as well as what the law says and what my rights are

    2) How the LCC wanted to close down Risinghill school, but was not able to because of the determination and leadership ability of the former Principal and,

    3) Congratulating me on enrolling in your class-room.

    I want to ask you a question Dick in regards to your lessons. Will you be liable to pay any kind of tuition fees to the London Boroughs of Islington and Camden? I'm very curious to know about this.

    I see also that a new student has joined our class-room. Nice to meet you Betty. My name is Filippo.

    I look forward to your reply Dick.

    Your student,

  • Dick Chitolie 1 October 2012: Filippo,
  • Betty is a special friend of mine and clearly understands what I am doing. Being the same age our mannerisms are different to yours and most because: In our primary schooldays; there were separate entrances for Boys & Girls, corporal punishment & washing pupil’s mouth’s out with carbolic soap were lawful. These deterrents / rules removed: (1) any grey area; (2) ensured we respected others and (3) groomed us into patriots. Betty’s posting is a blessing because: (a) endorsing this site belonging to TSL Education Limited by sticking to the set terms & conditions and skilfully added when nights & days (21 March & 23 September?) are equal in length. The longest & shortest days (21 June & 21 December) are another important piece of information. (b) A way of declaring her support and approval. (c) Made I aware that you cannot help taking things for granted and like most of today’s generation always chasing SOMETHING for NOTHING. The proof is that you went through certain enrolment formalities on 16th July and assumed Betty is a student in your last post.
    In order to remedy this and make you think for yourself, I’ll explain our current classroom set up. We are living off the Times Higher Education Reader’s comments section the same way mistletoe plants (Viscum album) grow on other trees uninvited. Our host keeps us going whereby we bring to them new visitors and combined, we become an instrument of happiness.
    Fulfil the following exercises and let me see it before posting:
    (1) Briefly give your inference as to why Jesus Christ was sentenced to death. It was not to save our sins because there were MORE non-sinners prior to the absurd Sunday trading law. If you think he was a threat include; what, why and where.
    (2) Scientists in London named & classified the contents of planet Earth in Latin or Greek. Give the person or body behind this and timescale.
    (3) Find out why all planets & their moon(s) and the sun are round while asteroids are not in our solar system.
    (4) Find out the cause or reason the LCC was closed in 1965, it is quite important because the LCC was an honourable authority with absolute power (including the ports) controlling London. If the LCC was around today the world would be a better place, certainly no EFTA (European Federal Trading Association) destroying Dockers & Imports from the Colonies.

    I cannot be liable to TUITION fees, something else you got completely wrong. The facts regarding tuition fees are; my MP (Jeremy Corbyn) agreed to present a petition calling for all forms of education to be FREE of charge under the Education Act. The petition was approved in May 2012 and lodged with the clerk to petition in the House of Commons. Thereafter I have declared THE paying of ALL tuition fees for and on behalf of Islington & Camden. The full amount can be obtained from royalties due on patent GB2260737 as it covers the usage of the common barcode. This I am certain of due to the fact that in 2010 the FIA (FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE De L’AUTOMOBILE) ordered Ferrari Formula 1 racing team to remove arranged white lines (in the form of a barcode) OFF their cars and outfits. My patent GB2260737 life expires on 16 October 2012, meaning English Court’s jurisdiction of stopping anyone using the barcode without my consent will end. However, since I filed for a European patent in 1993 the European Courts must uphold my rights. Anyway it is wrong for greedy supermarkets to make 300% profits without paying royalties for using the barcode. I know! You don’t understand the reason for NOT cashing in on my royalties, they are as follows:
    (1) All my patents are for Queen & Country and once I make a promise to myself or someone it is for life. Something I cannot change, maybe these invisible patriotic particles does not fade?
    (2) I am happy with my lifestyle and IF I move up, all must move up with me at the same time.
    (3) I don’t need the cash, my other commitment is building a manpowered flying machine and I have secured the £3,000,000 required in the Royal Courts of Justice. The National Westminster Bank stole my Maylansea home in 1989 with forged documents and judgment was given in my favour 12 years ago.
    (4) In my opinion education is the solution for an ideal world. I was educated in Islington & Camden and concerned about kids going to school hungry while politicians with their two homes, 24 hour protection and everything paid for concocts their brainwashing scams of extortion.
    (5) When Dd calls, everyone goes empty-handed.
  • Don Quixote 1 October 2012: Will this eventually be published in book form?
  • Dick Chitolie 10 October 2012:
    Don Quixote; incredible timing, Filippo has bolted. There’s no reason as to why this cannot be published in book. The underline format is the same, apart from our set-up provide for and can accommodate chaos and knocking on devil’s door whenever if ever. On the subject of book, I was gobsmacked yesterday hearing author James Joyce’s actual VOICE. Amazing! Finnegan’s Wake is among the best (Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll) at the British Library. 
  • Skywalker 12 October 2012: Sorry to hear that your student dropped out!
    Now I would like to help you finish this, I am willing to take over from where he left off on one provision: Convince me how you know the Romans discovered the formulae for Quantum Physics?...
  • Dick Chitolie 23 October 2012: SKYWALKER,
  • Good on you mate! “One’s throw away is another’s treasure” and you seem to know the “apple” (score). There’s overwhelming evidence of the Romans discovering the formula of quantum physics, if you know where to look. Undisputed WRITTEN proof comes from the BIBLE - product of ruling Intellectuals and detailed as follows:

    ADAM & EVE: The facts are: (1) everything is made of ATOMS and GOD created Adam & Eve, subsequently Jesus via virgin birth. Change God into Romans and the result is written evidence of the discovery of the “NITTY-GRITTY” of an atom. (2) Inner-breeding causes genetic defects and to know this: blood groups & properties must be identified prior to creating Hybrids. (3) The forbidden fruit apple (MALus) entry is either a red herring or an illegal amendment because apple plants have normal reproduction systems whereas a fig plant has a malformed system. Pollination requires special flies getting to the flower INSIDE the fruit.

    (2) TEN COMMANDMENTS: Are essentially protection against KNOWN hazards. If there were NO finding - there wouldn’t be any commandment. Notwithstanding erosion or misinterpretation these commandments are vital to our lifecycle until the inevitable. Interpreted today as: (a) the first (loyalty) second (greed) and third (respect) are the basic ingredients for an honourable existence. (b) The fourth (rest-day) is to prevent the brain from burning out and give our habitat time to recover. Although this commandment also protects the environment, planet Earth will be there long after Homo sapiens, Hermaphrodites or advance intelligent being. (c) Fifth to ninth decrees social behaviours all must conform too in order to get the best out of life. (d) Transparency: the last is complicated, but easiest to follow and most evidential. The words covet & covert is of French with wide range meanings such as: conspiracy, masquerading, cover, uncontrollable desire of something belonging to another person and secret are intolerable.

    (3) Without the creation of time there’s no cycle. Time is based on 60 minutes and 60 seconds and complete circle of 365.250 days. NOT 360 despite the circumference of ALL circles are calculated by using Pi (diameter times 22 divided by 7 or 3.14159265359…) and 60 fit in perfectly.
    I’m absolutely sure that the Romans invented time being PURE Roman Catholic since the first day of time. Birth of time was on 25 December 0000, but begun ticking 7 days later (New Year’s day) the same way I was baptised exactly 7 days after my birth. When I left my parent’s home my late father gave me the only document (baptism certificate) registering my birth and said “after you were born I had to wait exactly seven days before taking you to the church to be baptised.” In truth these Romans were so intelligent they made sure that their discovery would stay belonging to them by claiming EVERYONE baptism at birth. 
  • Skywalker 1 November 2012: 
  • Why Jesus Christ was sentenced to death? 
  • Well they worshipped many more than one single God or Deity, and "Jesus" preached of the One God. And as he was gaining a following; it was not looking good for those that wielded the power, and just like conquerors all over. They knew that the biggest opposition starts from the smallest group. And he was not the only one to be crucified, many were dealt with in the same manner.

    Time was not created! It is an inherent progression. it will not and cannot be stopped, all we have done is calibrated it so we can refer to eras and divide our time into organisable segments... you mix up a circle with a cycle... 365.25days within a circle is just degrees 0.985626283.
    And as for the Romans inventing time ... well Baptism has nothing to do with when time began, just that you may be seven days older than you believe.
    I cannot relate to the bible so all this is irrelevant to me. Philosophically this is just what a community would all do, in order to stay as a group; they would want to all follow the same edicts.
    Commandment. [My comment]
    1. I am the Lord, your God. [Mysticism; Atom like? these another is substances...]
    2. Thou shall bring no false idols before me. [This needs "ME" to be defined... God is what?]
    3. Do not take the name of the Lord in vain. [Lord or accepted reference because he resides within us...]
    4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.[ Holy GOD the Son, Christ, Jesus, Messiah, Anointed, Saviour, Redeemer, Mediator, Intercessor, Advocate, Judge, Son of man, Lamb of god, Word, Logos, Emmanuel King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah... Definite calendar ref;]
    5. Honour thy father and thy mother. [Now this practise is used lesser in these times.]
    6. Thou shall not kill or murder†. [Unless it is Sustenance, Do unto others etc;]
    7. Thou shall not commit adultery. [Not all the animal kingdom use Fidelity]
    8. Thou shall not steal††. [If life depended upon it I may be forced to take?]
    9. Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. [Liars... Can thieves be honest?]
    10. Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbour's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbour). [So if we are hungry and our neighbours will not share do I not take?]
    • Why is not share and share alike in there?
  • Dick Chitolie 5 November 2012:
    SKYWALKER: Pleased with your posting simply because it’s rebellious and ANYTHING but answering the questions regarding the formula for quantum physics. Takes me back to the days of working hard for what one wants! I’ll get back to you on the matter, but meantime enjoy bonfire night and the fireworks- in celebration of Guy Fawkes (16 April 1570 – 31 January 1606) failed Gunpowder plot of the 5th November 1605.

    You should note that: (1) Parliament would not be standing if the assassination of King James I and the restoration of a Catholic monarch were not on the agenda. (2) There’s a question mark on Guy Fawkes' date of birth NOT when he was BAPTISED. (3) An ACT of Parliament is NOT VALID without PRAYERS to Lords SPIRITUAL & TEMPORAL and signed by the Queen.
  • Dick Chitolie 21 November 2012:
    SKYWALKER: In reply to your first of November posting, appreciate you taking over. However, you are running away from our objective and need slowing down in order to adjust. Firstly, understand that lesson 002 is an induction; wide-open to discussions without guessing and relating to the topic on the blackboard. If you want to challenge anything, it must be supported by evidence. UNDISPUTED EVIDENCE means just that. If you disagree with the reasons given regarding the Romans discovering the formula of quantum then answer the followings:
    (1) If the Bible is NOT recorded findings – what is purpose of the Bible?
    (2) If Adam & Eve did NOT eradicate INCEST from our bloodstream – WHAT did?
    (3) If the Ten Commandments (TC) DOESN’T protect right to LIFE and happiness – WHAT does? Note: 99% of law is based on the TC and Egyptians educated Moses using HIEROGLYPHICS.
    (4) If today is NOT 2011 years, so many days, hours, minutes and seconds AFTER the birth of Jesus on 25 December 0000 – WHAT is today?
    (5) If “Anno Domini” (AD) DOESN’T mean “In the Year of our Lord” – WHAT does it means?

    Maybe I have confused you with time, cycle and circles? Wish to make it clear that I’m NOT after changing anything; only pointing out that it would be simpler to have 360 days in a calendar year. The reason being a complete circle has 360 degrees and to find the CIRCUMFERENCE of a circle; the formula used is: The diameter x Pi  example: Ø × 22 ÷ 7 or Ø × 3.1415926535. This part is very important and we’ll revisit this later because: (1) if planet Earth orbits around the sun in an ELLIPTICAL motion, then Pi formula is ineffective and NO accurate measurement can be recorded. (2) Twenty-two divided by seven don’t go without plenty of leftovers. The reason for this is quite simple if one can think for them. Maybe it is the reason we have 7 days per week? Also used 365.250 days per year as an average, this year has 366 days.

    Secondly, full marks for answering question about Jesus’ death, but it’s not what I’m looking for. One of the reasons you missed totally is simply because you gave NO scientific fact. If you had included backgrounds and understand that the Bible is factual. Despite being edited by King James I in 1611 after tearing Guy Fawkes & Others into FOUR parts.
    Question: Why was it necessary to hanged, drawn and quartered convicts?
    The Bible specifically states that Adam & Eve were created, Jesus of VIRGIN birth and both fathered by God. Since ONLY the FATHER determines the sex of the child and Jesus being the biological Son of God, a scientific fact is conclusive. If the first test-tube baby (1978) is construed as virgin birth, then it has taken 1,978 years to emulate the birth of Jesus. Are you aware that the Roman’s central heating systems 2,000 years ago are more efficient than what we generally use today? Therefore your best effort should had been a letter to the Pope requesting copy documents from the Bible in question, followed by reason(s), which ought to have any of the followings:
    (1) Maybe to eliminate Jesus’ heir? Surnames are essential for succession.
    (2) Maybe to prove everlasting life exists? Lot of data & invisible particles in cased in a sperm.
    (3) Maybe to prove it makes no difference when one dies?
    (4) Maybe to prove there are true alternatives?
    (5) Maybe to prove it is wrong to revolve around money?
    (6) Maybe to prove that life flourishes when all are on the same wavelength?
    (7) Maybe to prove that ignorance must be destroyed in order to obtain equality?
    I can go on, but I think you got the idea and very good practise for making you think for yourself, after all, our Risinghill is an anti-brainwashing school.

    Claims (no matter how petty) are backed by evidence; a fine example would be how I completed a full five-year apprenticeship in Toolmaking & Plastic Injection Moulding AFTER being expelled from school and turning 17 at Ashford remand Prison by the BEST Engineering firm (EF) in the Country. The quickest method of proving my claim is to use; "process of elimination": (1) List the total EF’s in the country. (2) eliminate all EF’s WITHOUT a permit to work full week during the national three-day working week. (3) From those with permits, eliminate those without the capability to design, make the moulding tool and mould Allen & Hansburys’ Ventolin Actuator bodies for asthma sufferers.
    In actual fact we were the first in the WORLD to produce these plastic components eliminating all others (if any) with working permits and uninterrupted electrical supply. Further evidence is the fact that we were the only firm producing plastic components for Barrett & Robinson Piano makers, I believe they were the first in the WORLD to use plastic parts in pianos. Firms such as ICI acknowledged our status by the fact ICI insisted upon feeding and putting me in a taxi at their expense before I was allowed to leave with a sample bag of plastic.
    Staying with claim, in your passport Citizen replaces the word “Subject” from 2000 and I don’t the reason for the changeover. In my opinion you should make the necessary enquires, otherwise you could end up belonging to poofters or worse; paedophiles.

    Lastly, my initial posting on 5th November coincided exactly 407 years after the failed gunpowder plot, I cannot see any patterns with today’s posting. Therefore I’m writing TODAY’S date in the conventional way: 21 11 2012 and Romantic way: XXI XI MMXII for a set quiz. It is easy and if you or anyone gets the answer correct, I’ll buy a lovely house in the Caribbean for the winner.
  • Quiz: What is the scientific difference between 21 11 2012 and XXI XI MMXII?

    • Dick Chitolie 11 December 2012:
  • Further to learning techniques, the brain & computer uses the same process / pathway of retrieving data. The brain is superior (able to reject false info) and appears to be slower because it cross-reference ALL outgoing data. The brain’s main function is to control motions as we HUMANS (in simple terms) are like fruit trees on legs. Both have similar reproduction system, organic and circulate vital nutrients either by capillary or pump (heart) action. Both either eventually disintegrates and reforms, but the fruit-tree will be around until the end of time. Because the fruit-tree is powered by gravity and WITHOUT gravity there’s NO MOTION.
  • Another important thing about learning is that Risinghill prohibited physically or mental form of punishments. Although corporal punishment was outlawed after the death of the old Risinghill, it has little impact on learning thereafter because the ALTERNATIVE (Omnia vincit amour) is missing. In general our system of punishment is stupid and absurd under close examination by the following facts:  (1) A person commits a criminal offence; such as stealing a sandwich costing about £1.50, the state spends X amount of money (no limit) on a trial and order 28 days in prison. (2) The state then spends a further Y amount of money keeping this person in prison and at the end of punishment GIVES £46:00 on release. (3) In total the state spent X, Y & £46 of the Taxpayers money on punishment when it is cheaper and better for all to have given this person a week’s grocery from the supermarket of first instance. MAYBE then supermarkets will rethink their “buy one, get TWO free” promotion deal. I can confirm the said above are TRUE.

    • 1/ It would be wise for you to write to the Pope yourself and ask him to give proof that the Bible is an authentic authorised factual document. And it was written during the time it relates to and not “After the event” by someone who heard it through other peoples recollections.
      2/ what was the reason that you got expelled from your school?
      3/ How come you were put in to prison?
    •  Dick Chitolie 12 December 2012:
      Skywalker answer to your questions: Q1 - Cannot write to the Pope because: (1) made a public declaration that I’ll have nothing to do with him. (2) Multi-faith is indigestible to me and staying well clear to ensure there is no infringement of anyone’s right to belief. (3) You’re the Student; it is for you to write.
      You cannot be a worthy student of Risinghill unable to uphold your rights. Ignorance is the main cause of fear and this can easily cured by calculating an outcome. In our case: requesting a true copy of the Ten Commandments from the Pope is a reasonable request. Surely! You must be curious about whether the current version by King James I in 1611 is the same as the original? Anyway there are three scenarios IF the Pope has the original: (a) The Pope will forward copy as requested; (b) decline and (c) ignore you completely. The way I see it, the Pope needs you more than you need the Pope.

      Q2 - No valid reason for my expulsion, technically I was not expelled outright since I was kept on the register after Harry Greenway’s (HG) intervention.
      Credit to HG he did not take part in the wrongdoing and went on to be an elected Member of Parliament. We can put this occurrence as an act of fate; after all I went on to complete an indenture type apprenticeship without school qualifications and secured the required assurance without any help.

      Q3- I was put in prison so a report about my state of mind can be made by probation. It was conclusive that I am normal and Highgate Magistrates’ order me to keep the peace for two years. I complied fully, simply because things were different then, the same incident today carries a minimum sentence of six years in prison. No problems in prison during my 21 days stay because I believe in obeying and sticking to the rules regardless.
      Again we can put this occurrence as an act of fate and preparation against the Treasury and dishonest people at the very TOP 26 years later. If you need convincing that a spirit world exists and WILL protect, here how: In 1996 the Treasury & Others staged a farce trial in an attempt to steal my land. During my testimony I asked the trial JUDGE a question, he was unable to answer the question so he farted & fled WITHOUT adjourning the trial. I, six Barristers and the Jury all went home without being discharged and came back the next day. The trial continued for another six weeks as if nothing out of the ordinary had happen. The Jury found me guilty on all counts and acquitted my Partner totally; the Judge sentenced me to four years. An appeal (leave, NO order to appeal against) was lodged in the House of Lords after the Court of Appeal FALSELY claimed that an appeal was heard & dismissed. The House of Lords judiciary section ceased in 2009 and my case was transferred to the Supreme Court. The point I am making is that if the highest fail to uphold the law of the land, ONLY the invisible particles are left. The matter is not over until my question is answered and until then the 1996 trial is open.
      In conclusion: I was told & shown that it is wrong to take the law into your own hand at an earlier age and I will always adhere to what I was told and shown.

      I’m covering myself by posting the above today 12/12/12 in case the induction takes twelve years, twelve days and twelve attempts.
    • White-Knight 13 December 2012:
    • Dick,
    • All for it, any chance of a clue so I can move into my dream home in the Caribbean.
    • Also can you give me your interpretation of a Black-hole?
  • Dick Chitolie 14 December 2012:
  • White-Knight: Here we are exploring the mechanics of goodwill SPIRITS and you put in a request for a clue regarding the quiz. Nevertheless, if you hang up your Christmas stocking(s) today, on 21/12/12 (Winter Solstice) I'll post the answer (coded, naturally) and if the Christmas spirits are with you, the rest is self-explanatory. Closing date is Christmas day- our datum.
    My perception of a black hole is; an empty or lighter section of space inside space with an immeasurable vacuum. This empty / lighter section is created when the walls of the two outer forces convene with each other. In our case the atoms we are exploring is bigger than NOTHING or whatever that is creating the super-fast vacuum.
    The above are made form my knowledge of:
  • (1) Airlock's- A hydraulic air lock is extremely difficult to overcome because the vacuum created either side inside is of equal strength.
  • ( 2) A tyre on a wheel is interchangeable and after inflation the inner pressure doesn't change regardless of the load, speed or braking force.
  • ( 3) The first steam locomotive's wheels are in two parts interlocked by expanding one part with heat and shrinking the other by lowing the ambient temperature. Both at the same temperature can carry any weight, at any speed and brake without dislodgement. If you are serious about learning how black holes function, then you should experiment with bubbles and vacuums in and out of water. Unless you are a moron, you'll be able to work out that if light passes through a black hole, it's no longer black and do your exploration having a bubble bath ( laugh) for an easy passage. If the invisible particles are on your side, West Ham Football Club will  you a VIP box and I'll help you make a flying horse to go with your handle. 12 April 2013: BBC4 on the 9th April 2013 broadcast “Pop! The Science of Bubbles” by Dr Helen Gzerski.  Although discovering many answers, I am unable to stop laughing after seeing the “hand”.  Bearing in mind bubble bath is slang for laugh and a hand by itself cannot commit murder nor fight off people attacking it with knives & guns. After digesting what I have seen, many important questions about atomic particles were answered: (1) without the public execution of Jesus Christ the resurrection is pointless. (2) Organic matter in lifeforms are made of  Carbonhydrate  atoms with resurrection properties after decaying. Id est; Plastics are from dead carbohydrate atoms and can be welded together by ultrasonic soundwaves. In order for this to happen; both surface layers must come alive, back to organic? Maybe soundwaves can shatter a glass because atoms of mineral cannot be resurrected? In my opinion those working of sonic bubbles for cleaning purposes should switch to finding a cure (inches away) for cancer cells. After all; carbon element is the key and without carbon a bubble cannot exist. The Romans must have worked of this by the fact that in the Bible it clearly states not to eat the forbidden fruit and called Apple - MALUS. We either became immune to the forbidden fruit or it is a strong message that apples are linked to cancer?
  • Skywalker 20 December 2012:
    What is the difference betwixt numbers and numerals?
    Went he Romans write X LI to represent 41they are actually using SUB-TRACTION, and ADDlTlON...
    X=10, L=50, I =1 so it is 50 -10 +1 = 41
    we use Addition and Multiplication 4*10 +1=41...
    ls this Correct?
  • Dick Chitolie 21 December2012:
    Skywalker: I cannot see any thing wrong with your 20/12/12 posting, well done and soon, you'll see how close you are to the answer of the quiz. As far as I know 'Bitwixt" is a software programme of computer scientist David D oherty and known as "Atomsmith Classroom of Molecular Eploration..
    ln truth; the Roman's numerals system is quite ingenious (one of the reasons for being in use today), fail proof and uses only seven characters compared to the ten our Arabic system consist of.

  • Dick Chitolie 21 December 2012 
  • White-Knight (Chevalier blanc): The answer to the quiz(scientific difference between 21 11 2012 and XXI Xl MMXII) is; TAOAP. Today is a special day as predicted by ancient Mayans- the END of dictatorships and BONDAGE. Especially when your first " chevaleresqudee chevalier ("knightly act) in England is to cut 650 useless M Ps in order to fit them in one cabinet and lose the key.
                                          Appropriate ending for 2012-12-21
  • Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) said; "When you fish for love, bait with your heart - not your brain."
  • From the chorus of Slade's 1973 Christnas number one: "So hear it is merry Christmas everybody is having fun, look to the future now, it's only just begun."
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) said; The only gift is a portion of thyself."
  • January's posting was blocked by Main Page Content: Error saving to xlm for sp wv_site_ctrl_story_comments, XML Parse msg : An invalid character was found in text content. This posting is now made 15 February 2013:
    • TAOAP = The Amount Of Atomic Particles and is the answer to the scientific difference between 21 11 2012 and XXI XI MMXII quiz posted 21st November 2012. The precise amount of atomic particles and the amount required for visibility will be published in due time, baring forgetfulness. 

  • If I were ABSOLUTELY SURE of no winner, the prize would have been Cliff Baron’s Lamborghini Countach, for wind up purposes. Cliff taught me how to honour a bet and how reaching an objective via merit to be unassailable.  The same 99.9 % certainty Christopher Columbus (CC) 1451 – 1506 & others were sure about finding land beyond the horizon. Maybe CC & others assurance came from working out that a rainbow is part of a circle and the unseen part is evidence that the world is round?  Whatever! CC was the first European discovering an Atlantic route to the NEW World and the West Indies (Caribbean) on 12 October 1492. This changed the course of European History and main discovery of the RENAISSANCE (rebirth) era.  It should be noted that the Maya’s timekeeping is similar and accurate as Roman’s & Chinese, but the only one having a decisive ending and new beginning of 21 December 2012. Undisputed evidence of our brain has equal capacity around the world. The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas MUST have used formula, kept constellation and planet’s alignment records in order to make predictions? We’ll explore the rainbow fully later within process of elimination and a spectrum consists of coloured lights. Staying with light, the thickness of water (H²O) is thinner that light, on prima facie (first sight). The simplest way to demonstrate this using two precision square blocks, two strands of hair, two cigarette papers and a surface-table are as follows:
    (1)    Place the hairs in-between blocks; my hair thickness is three thousandth of an inch (.0003") equally spaced.
    (2)    Replaced the hairs with cigarette papers (half the thickness of hair), at this stage light is clearly visible between blocks.
    (3)    Remove cigarette papers and slide blocks together until light disappears.
    (4)    Pour water at the joint and the water will pass between the blocks while light cannot; thus, evidence of water is thinner than light.

    TERMINOLOGY: Without outlawing anything, words such as “theory” conflicts with our objective and allows brainwash people an escape route. Worse, when someone uses “Pandora’s box” their sole target is to make themselves look good at the expense of others are unacceptable. Preferable alternative wordings are: maybe, I believe, in my opinion and prima facie all leave a trail to the user. After all, finding a working formula IS without GUESSWORK or deception. Progressive changes occur and automatically update usage, two examples are as follows:
    (1) “Atomic” & “H” bomb are more or less replaced by “nuclear” simply because the nuclear of an atom is where the energy decay takes place.
    (2) Homo sapiens means WISEMAN, this was changed to “modern man” in my schooldays and currently INTELLECTUAL to accommodate women. 
    As long as the known name is used, using any out of the many different words is acceptable as follows:  Alpha (α), Beta (β), Gamma (γ) and Epsilon (δ) are radiation from nucleus decays and ALL can be referred to as: rays, particles, wavelengths or light.
    Also as in energy emitted by the sun (light-form: visible, ultraviolet (UV- A, B & C)) & infrared) can be referred too as mentioned above.

    It is extremely important to understand that there’s NO standard in literacy, but maintaining accuracy will create an impregnate lifetime attitude that will prevent INDOCTRINATION and promote equality. A fine example is; at Risinghill we were taught to use the word “RULE” instead of “ruler” because a twelve inch king doesn’t exists - prior to “Shrek” the movie. By being accurate, there’s nothing to interfere with the outcome of an unknown, thus upholding one’s right and eliminate abuse from Muppets. I’m of the opinion that if other schools adopted such teaching the Ark Royal Battleship (ARB) would still be in service. The reason ARB was sold for £3,000,000 is because the Crew did not make a stand and gave up on the assumption that the ARB belonged to Politicians. In actual fact the ARB belongs to the people and the Politicians gave up any say in the matter the moment one MP got convicted of stealing money from the Public purse. Anyway these Muppets are getting paid to decide what is in the interest of the country; cutting public spending when the population is on the increase is illogical...   


  1. What is so special about the Bible and the 10 commandments?
  2. 20 6 16: I am 99.9% sure that the Bible is scientific evidence of the discovery of the secret of life. Beats E=MC square because this will not work unless 22 can be divided by 7 with a few digits - NOT the trillions of digits. In simple term; the known formula of measuring a circumference of a circle is; the diameter X 22 divided by 7 (pi) which is not practical with trillions of digits.
    Greedy Retailers made MPs to ignore the fourth Commandment (day of rest) and in this short period there's climate changes costing more than what greedy retailers get.
    I believe the authors of the Bible travel through time, otherwise there would be no Ten Commandments.
    When king James ordered the translation in 1611 a lot of information were left out and wrongly translated. Id est; Adam & Eve were not the first humans on earth, otherwise there would only be two blood types. More like they were with different blood types in an ideal world. Anyway without the Bible there would not be Jesus Christ birth datum and we all be without a birthday.
  3. Could you explain further about adam and eve travelling in time and why you think there wouldn't be 10 commandments.
          Dick Chitolie 21 September 2018
          Adam and Eve did not travel in time, they were selected for breeding without birth defects in
          an ideal world.
          Without the Ten Commandments there is no law and order and without law and order there is
          no future. Don't forget the Bible containing the Ten Commandments is before Jesus Christ   
          2017 years ago.