1. TRUE: Intellectuals recognise true love as a tragedy as cited in Wikipedia's Romeo & Juliet. This story was bought to life by William Shakespeare or vice versa. The tragedy here is dying without passing on their genes an important and main product of true love between two people. In the case of singletons, highlighted after the death of Rudolph Valentino the rewards are the same -keeping one's vow to the end. After all, we all die and going after completion of one's destiny is unbeatable.
Tragedy or short-lived romance is predicable with youngsters due to: lack of experience; innocence and the environment. However, what's incalculable is the attracting mechanisms or chemistry in between. The reason there's NO formula for EMOTIONS is because EVERY ONE is different from EACH other as PROVEN by the following facts:(i) The World population of today and the billions since Homo-erectus times were and are INDIVIDUALISTS with discriminating taste.
(ii) The Barcode system is most used gadget of today (the Writer's GB2260737 patent governs usage) for identification. In 1991 the Writer obtained 25,000.000 different combinations by rearranging lines - the same principle of barcode. This 25,000,000 figure is dwarfed by One's iris print.
(iii) True love is over and done within seconds.
IN TRUTH: Scientists are very stupid to change this
endless inherited individuality by cloning and those in charge are more stupid for letting it get so far. Even the break up of a true love relationships have rewards as both parties end up more appreciative and better persons.
2. PATRIOT: The modern STANDARD for Love of Country and obligation. WMD (Ireland) & the Writer (Saint Lucia)
was/is very fortunate to be born outside the UK regarding the pointless and absurd destruction of patriot love. Both accepted adoption-hood without indoctrination or brainwashing at the age of 9 & 10. WMD fulfilled his duties in war and peace only to loose out by unlawful means from "little Hitler’s" afraid of their own shadows in 1965.
The moment National Service was outlawed in 1959 disloyalty began. Today dumb & dangerous people are in charge destroying the defence of the Country and creating needless unemployment by illogical cuts. How can the PM scrap the Ark Royal and mouth off about; "NO fly zone?" To back his decision; he would have to mount Dolly the Saint Lucian dragon on the World's oldest Aircraft Carrier and re-commission this 1918 Thorneycroft Dragonplane Lighter. This would generate such a laugh in desperate time, all Leaders of State would automatically issue an Order that; "Safe passage be given". How is it there’s no money to keep the Ark Royal Aircraft Carrier afloat, but billions for Barclay's Bank?
The Writer recalls patriot love in it's purest form via his grandfather Stephen dubbed "Russia" for his pro USSR views and usage of a sickle . The jokes hailed at Russia diminished after the launch of sputnik and production of Rice, bananas and copra flourished. In the Fifties the Government (as most British Colonies) of Saint Lucia encouraged patriotism by selling land at "buckshee" price in return of a set tariff for surplus yielding. This pact was as poetry in motion until greed, EFTA and stupidity took over. Today rice growing is non-existing, no restriction on Vendor or price, clearing the way for the poor to get poorer while greedy Bankers or businesses are in complete control.
The Writer recalls patriot love in it's purest form via his grandfather Stephen dubbed "Russia" for his pro USSR views and usage of a sickle . The jokes hailed at Russia diminished after the launch of sputnik and production of Rice, bananas and copra flourished. In the Fifties the Government (as most British Colonies) of Saint Lucia encouraged patriotism by selling land at "buckshee" price in return of a set tariff for surplus yielding. This pact was as poetry in motion until greed, EFTA and stupidity took over. Today rice growing is non-existing, no restriction on Vendor or price, clearing the way for the poor to get poorer while greedy Bankers or businesses are in complete control.
Nevertheless, the rewards of patriotism in Saint Lucia lives on because the Writer has plans of a Formula 1 racing circuit (environmental friendly and affordable admission fee) on the LAND (Blackbay) where rice once grew. The FIA will be wise to support this plan since the Writer holds a patent covering 'QUICK' removable steering wheels and barcode. Especially Ferrari after their sick promotion of arranged white lines in a sick attempt of stealing the Writer's patent GB2260737. The Writer might not be able to bring back the days of Turtles and shoals of flying fish were commonly seen from and at the shores of Blackbay, but can take preservation back to the good old days.
3. RESPECT: As in cultivation - non sexual as true love or duty-bound as patriotic love, but equally important. More as in the form of natural development governed by fate and the BIBLE. The finest example of love via respect in 1965 is the bonding between Students and Teachers at Risinghill. Made possible by improvisation with love - teaching how to fit an Ideal World [IW] into a predictable World of thieves and liars. This IW first recorded as Garden of Eden and belonging to Adam and Eve is well documented. However what Historians & Religious Chiefs are IGNORANT of IS the fact that the Ten Commandments are the written formulas guaranteeing an ideal WORLD. An important documented fact published out of sequence which dominate the way we live and the key to open the truth on the contents of the Bible as follows:
1. Adam & Eve were NOT the first Man and Woman on planet Earth because there would be ONLY two blood types and one kind of RACE. Nevertheless, Adam & Eve were the first Man and Woman in the IW.
2. The Ten Commandments are of the Bible and 99.9% of ALL Laws of today touches one or many Commandments. Not obeying the first [don't worship money] and fourth [day of rest] may not be criminal offences, but lying, stealing, trespassing, rape, murder and bigamy are.
3. Regardless of how the Ten Commandments are interpreted; the meanings cannot be destroyed - the exact same applies to elements.
Bottom line: Love & Life goes together and at the sweetest in Adam & Eve's Ideal World.
3. RESPECT: As in cultivation - non sexual as true love or duty-bound as patriotic love, but equally important. More as in the form of natural development governed by fate and the BIBLE. The finest example of love via respect in 1965 is the bonding between Students and Teachers at Risinghill. Made possible by improvisation with love - teaching how to fit an Ideal World [IW] into a predictable World of thieves and liars. This IW first recorded as Garden of Eden and belonging to Adam and Eve is well documented. However what Historians & Religious Chiefs are IGNORANT of IS the fact that the Ten Commandments are the written formulas guaranteeing an ideal WORLD. An important documented fact published out of sequence which dominate the way we live and the key to open the truth on the contents of the Bible as follows:
2. The Ten Commandments are of the Bible and 99.9% of ALL Laws of today touches one or many Commandments. Not obeying the first [don't worship money] and fourth [day of rest] may not be criminal offences, but lying, stealing, trespassing, rape, murder and bigamy are.
3. Regardless of how the Ten Commandments are interpreted; the meanings cannot be destroyed - the exact same applies to elements.
Bottom line: Love & Life goes together and at the sweetest in Adam & Eve's Ideal World.
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