

The problem with 'little Hitlers' [LHs] in London is that there are too many of them about and interfering in matters such as the last registered Subject and his Queen.

The Writer wanted to hand delivered his letter to the Queen, he got to the side gate at Buckingham Palace Road and was told by Policeman R565  that access to the press room was forbidden or leaving a letter. At Belgravia Police Station he was told to go to 
Charing Cross Police Station. At Charing Cross he was told; "we are not a postal service, nothing to do with us...We do nothing - go to Scotland Yard if it is a security matter". Since Scotland Yard is NOT open to the PUBLIC without an appointment - the Writer photocopied the envelope and posted the letter at the nearby Post Office without postage.

The Writer is glad of leaving England forever and cannot understand how the Country he lived over 49 years has got so dogmatic, without any prospect and wasteful with money employing LHs guarding useless politicians the likes of Tony Blair the liar [TBTL]. In truth, destiny and official business of the Writer are blocked by LHs for no reason other than ignorance. 

The facts are: 

(1) The Writer had a 10 year passport issued in May/June 1989 and this passport had him as a SUBJECT

(2) For unknown reason(s) the word Subject was changed to Citizen from 2000. If the change was and is insignificant - then why make the change in such an important document?

(3) The Writer unable to live under false pretences rejected the new version passport and stayed a Subject.

(4) On the 7th June 2011 the Writer being the last Subject was stopped from delivering his letter to the Queen.

The thing is:  Prior to the introduction of a Policeman, Subjects in France & Britain were covered by the Coat of Arms of reigning Monarch. The same one William the Conqueror [subsequently King] brought over from France in 1066. As population increased a second motto was added;"Honni soit qui mal y pense" translated: Evil be to him that evil thinks to the fading “Dieu et mon droit” [God and my RIGHT] directly from God’s Law - The Ten Commandments.

The main problem of today's attitude & financial haemorrhage powering LHs is the result of greed, stupidity of people in charge and worldwide indoctrination. The writer remembers how workers took pride in their work and went out of their ways to please others in 1970 - 14 months after he started working. With an incredible finale regarding the only private possession surviving the onslaughts of taking his homes & contents - IS his collection of postage stamps. From his collection is one set franked first day issue out off the six sets he sent to himself forty-one years ago.

STRANGE how the five penny postage featured the King singing the Declaration of Arbroath 1320? The Writer is of the opinion that the word arbitrary  derived from this declaration because of the Pope's involvement. Whatever, LHs are in abundant and very destructive against the good things emerging from evil occurrences. The birth of modern Israel was from Hitler’s unfounded persecution of European Jews. The fact is clear to see today: The Star of David [Jewish symbol] is used legally worldwide contrary to Nazi Germany’s swastika Hitler operated under.  Within 15 years through hard work this new Country dominant the European Trade Market whereby an orange was edible only with “Jaffa” stamped on it. However, the vital ingredient for a trouble-free continuation was not included and in time Hitler's Holocaust will be totally forgotten. Also this new State will take over from where Hitler left as evidential by the WALL denying FREE access.

Historians, Religious Leaders and MOST are completely ignorant of the fact that the Roman Empire was set up for existence well after burial. In actual fact the Writer belongs to this old Empire because his birth registration was by baptism and certified. Meaning all before him going through the same recruiting process are / were of the Roman Empire. Even if this form of claiming is replaced - the usage of Jesus Christ date of birth will continue being a living DATUM. In truth the Writer was born on the 2nd February but because of Roman’s law he was baptised 7days after birth, his official date of birth is 9th. The same procedure since the beginning of our FIRST New Year [January 0001]: Exactly 7 days after the birth of Jesus 25th December 0000. Unless BCAD are not abbreviations for: Before Christ & Anno Domini??

The reasons behind the Roman Catholic Church losing its pure status are of the same reasons creating LHs today and these are as follows:

1. The people in charge did not address nor anticipated the threats and wrongdoings.

2. The people in charge were clueless about eradicating the root cause of the matter.

3. The people in charge were too afraid and lazy to learn the best way of addressing the issues.

4. Offenders were confident that they would get away with their crime or alternatively that punishment would be more beneficial to them. After all, this idiotic system of punishing Offenders by way of incarceration at the expense of Victim(s) and Taxpayer’s is absurd. Is it not cheaper to pay Offenders to stay indoors at certain hours?

It is common knowledge that Priests turned into abusers and instead of suitable punishment - there were cover-ups after cover-ups in the past. The same with thieving Christie's NOT giving back the painting they STOLE and knowing that LHs  would not even make any enquires into the theft, far from an investigation. The thing is: Christie’s STOLE a painting left in their custody and they MUST give it back regardless of how many LHs there are working in the Courts.

The same as in 1988 when LHs of Maldon Police Station instantaneously siding with the National Westminster Bank and clearing the way for this thieving bank to steal the Claimant’s Maylandsea property. The thing is; JUSTICE become visible if victim(s) stand up for their rights and the rewards are there as proven by the outcomes of some the Writer’s case:

(1) £50,000 equity claim HC00X02739 issued 16 June 2000 in the Chancery Division ended by the Order of MR Justice Jacob affirming claim. Meaning the Defendant must pay the Writer £50,000 plus costs and interests from the date of the Summary Judgment Order - despite unlawful continuation. The transcript of dishonest lord Justice Chadwick dated 9 October 2001 confirm the conspiracy against the Writer.

(2) Replacement House or £3,000,000 claim HQ0005322 issued 30 August 2000 in the Queen’s Bench Division ended by judgment via written agreement: MR Justice Henriques and the Writer agreed that: IF Denton Wilde Sapte’s note of judgment version came back from Master Leslie endorsed with “TRUE” – the Writer would dispense with his claim. Otherwise he can proceed unhindered. The note of judgment of Master Leslie was returned by Master Leslie endorsed with the word "fair". The Writer should have a replacement house or £3,000,000 cash, in law and then. The fact that LHs might have destroyed the file, don’t change the final judgments of the Court - only delay justice. Evidence of other horrific delays via criminal offences and perverting the course of justice by LHs working in the Royal Courts of Justice are as follow:

1.       MR Justice Eady’s order of the 7 June 2001: The Writer composed this order the Judge signed containing the word “leave”. The order was sealed 21 June 01 and served on all parties. In the notice of appeal the Writer point out that the order was invalid on the ground the word “leave” is outlawed. Prior to the appeal hearing Henman’s Solicitors changed leave into permission and sealed their new order on 29 August 2001. The court’s clerk performing this criminal act tried to erase the first seal mark with a ball pen. The joke is: Both orders are ineffective because the Writer was granted permission by the court to act as Christine Hanson’s Litigation Friend – gagging Christine Hanson is pointless.
     It should be noted that MR Justice Roderick Evans allowed the Litigation Friend application in pursuant of CPR 1 Overriding Objective - prevention of mental health, fairness and Equal Footing. MR Justice Eady put it to the test by asking the Writer "how long do you want to p-a-a-a-a-y ?" The £1,500 was paid in full with the Writer's VAT Returns to the Inland Revenue rather than a dead firm of solicitors Henmans represented.
     Thereafter this payment the Court cannot refuse an audience. Many Judges tried but only showed their true colours and how DISHONEST they are as Schiemann & Rix's hearing conclusively prove. The thing is: The Writer protected the 20th April 2000 Order adjudging that ALL three Defendants are GUILTY of negligence. If the Defendants had given Christine Hanson £250,000 each instead of relying on LHs working in the Courts, there would be no need of converting the claim into £25,000,000 each.   
     Summary:  The Writer is Christine Hanson's Litigation Friend and has kept her 20 April 2000 judgment intact.
     The European Court refuses to grant an enforcing order. Therefore representation will be made to the USA to retrieve one of their Citizen's £75,000.000. The odds are good now the USA is short of money. Especially when the British Judiciary is one sided and will NEVER debar cooked solicitors.....